Electro Proportionate Valves: Flow & Pressure
Uses of Electro Proportionate Valves (Flow & Pressure):
- Versatile and functions as a flow control, pressure and reducing/relieving valve in the system.
- Sets an adjustable range of pressures or flow that a hydraulic system/circuit can operate in.
Specifications of electro Proportionate Valves (Flow):
- Rated flow 320 LPM
- Max pressure is 350 Bar
Specifications of electro Proportionate Valves (Pressure):
- Rated flow up to 760 LPM
- Max pressure 350 Bar
Latco Enterprises Pte Ltd offers comprehensive range of Electro & Proportionate Pressure Control Valve that customers can choose from:
- Pilot operated balanced piston relief main stage with integral 8A control cavity
- Pilot operated balanced poppet main stage with integral 8A control cavity
- Pilot operated reducing main stage with integral 8A control cavity
- Ventable pilot operated balanced poppet main stage with integral 8A/ 08W control cavity
- Ventable balanced piston relief main stage with integral 8A control cavity
- Electro-proportional pilot relief
Electro-proportional direct acting pressure reducing/relieving valve with improved dynamic response